Saturday, October 27, 2012


I really don't know what I would do!!! I would be like that's soooo cool, BUT I would be terrified of getting caught and being classified as a terrorist be cause I'm playing with genetics! The Steve Kurtz case that I read in Part III really had me like no way I would even want to be envolved in ANYTHING with genetics being in my apartment or garage. On the other hand what if these people are trying to help cure something? What if they are so close to curing a disease that professionals can't cure? I really don't know what to say because these people could make a bacteria that could be able to kill thousands of people and that really scares me. So basically what I'm saying is if my roommate is doing all this I would tell them to get all these stuff out of my house because I am not going to jail for you! I know it's kind of harsh and they may be doing something good but I'm not ready to take that chance because it seems like the FBI will try to find a reason to stop you and accuse you of something like they did to Steve Kurtz.

Monday, October 22, 2012


When I first got on this website I went straight to the exploring the moon surface. I really didn't get it though. So I left that part and went to study the explosions on the sun and that was really interesting. I had to go through the training being able to sight a comet, optical effect, particle strike, or if its just something else. Its pretty amazing how they have this citizen science. First they train you to be able to see the those following things I listed then they will let you see actual explosions to see if you see anything anyone else hasn't seen.I also went to The Milky Way Project and seen how the stars form. It's just cool how you can actually learn all of this stuff online when some people pay thousands or dollars to learn the exact same thing. 

P.S. I just thought that the picture above is really cool since it has an explosion of the sun happening in it and the size of Earth.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Classifying A Galaxy

It's definitely not what I was expecting to see or do, but I guess it was kind of cool. I don't know if I would want to just do that all day especially being asked the same questions over and over again at pictures that sometimes look the same. I read how they started the Galaxy Zoo and its pretty interesting how many people came to the website to classify these different galaxies. It's cool that they made this site so we can at least split the different galaxies up into shapes or if they look alike. because with scientist alone it would have taken forever. Sometimes when I was looking at these galaxies I had no clue what they looked like are anything so I just gave it my best guess.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Science Fiction

     Fantasy captures everyone's eye a little more the real science, because certain things become boring. David Brin even says,"Didn't we stop going to the moon because it had become boring?" That question David Brin said in his article really sums up how I feel about science sometimes.  For example, some people may find learning about the moon so boring, but if you were to add flying on a dragon or zombies on the moon they would maybe want to learn more about the moon. Fantasy really doesn't take much time to understand, because when you actually like something you don't mind learning it versus something that you don't like you really just don't want anything to do with it.
     I just feel like magic, fantasy, and cryptozoology is just something that everyone wants to know about because its something that we've created I wanna say or that we want to be that generation that discovers something new. People are tired of trying to do or learn the same thing we've been trying to do in the past and it gets boring. Bigfoot is something that catches my eye and I want to know more about it because its something that is just different. I guess what I'm saying is that peoples interest are changing because they want to learn about something they like not whats already been discovered or that takes to much studying or thought to be understood.