Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Future

While watching the video "All's Fair at the Fair" I noticed how at the beginning there was just a couple riding on a buggy and the horse pulling them while cars are just passing them at high speeds. When I say that I thought back to the introduction of The "Wonderful Future That Never Was" when Thomas Jefferson said going fifteen miles per hour by engine was dangerous and life threatening. I thought the slowest that I really can think of speed limit wise is twenty-five so Thomas Jefferson would have thought we were just putting everyone life in danger. You also saw how there was robots doing everything for you, that includes doing you hair, shaving, making you look younger, play the piano, teaching you how to dance, and a lot more! At the end they showed how the man just paid a coin to get a car and it made it seem like they were going so fast in the car. Just them going to to fair I guess it made them futuristic in a way. They are fascinated by all the things they have seen. Half the stuff they seen hasn't even been created in today's worlds.

The broadcast was completely fake but people didn't know what to think because Orson Welles had  respected scientist and astronomers on the radio with him. All they knew was what they were hearing on the radio, no one had any means of communication so they didn't know if it was fake.They spoke about how there was as invasion of martians and heats rays happening.


  1. I have to completely agree with your view on Orson Welles broadcast. The broadcast had notified the audience that the whole performance was indeed fiction, BUT if someone were to tune into the radio station after that announcement, they were not again informed it was just a fictional story until forty minutes into the broadcast. This obviously supports your point about the lack of communication between the audience and radio station. I would've loved to people-watch while this broadcast was on air. I am sure it was quite the hubbub.

  2. The Alls Fair at the Fair video was great at showing all of the different concepts the future was about to bring. This was the whole idea that the creators wanted to get across to the audience. It was to gain excitement about advancing the future in ways that had not yet been seen in our culture yet. Communication was still something that was a slow long process over great distances. The War of the Worlds radio broadcast was a great example of how slow news spread.
